Week 6

Homework for Wednesday, November 2nd:

  1. Workbook
    • pages 31- read and do J
  2. Textbook
    • Review the vocabulary and grammar pages 72, and 74-81
  3. Online practice

Homework for Friday, November 4th:

Writing – For each question, write a complete sentence. Use adverbs of frequency (always, often, sometimes, rarely, never) and time expressions (once/twice/three times.. a day/week/month/year…). Write some negative sentences.

  1. Do you get eight hours of sleep every night?
  2. Do you brush your teeth twice a day?
  3. Do you floss?
  4. Do you drink coffee?
  5. Do you drink alcohol?
  6. Do you drive over the speed limit?
  7. Do you stay up past midnight?
  8. Do you drink 8 glasses of water a day?
  9. Do you take time to relax every day?
  10. Do you feel stressed?
  11. Do you exercise?
  12. Do you stretch?
  13. Do you get a massage?
  14. Do you eat sweets?


Homework for Monday, November 7th:


    • In a new Google doc, write a paragraph with 10-12 sentences
    • ?Answer these questions:
      • What are your good habits? What are your not-so-good habits? What changes do you want to make in your lifestyle? What are your health goals? Do you have new habits you plan to create?
    • Add a heading
    • Add a title
    • Indent
    • Check your spelling & grammar
    • SHARE with Fidelia



  • Page 50, exercise A
  • Page 51, exercise B only


  • Please review Unit 4. Study the grammar and vocabulary. Do the listening exercises again. There will be a Unit 4 test on Monday.


    • Study and learn the spelling rules for -ed

      REGULAR simple past: Spelling Rules

      Rule #1

      If a verb ends in -e, add -d.

      • like → liked
      • arrive → arrived
      • decide → decided

      Rule #2

      If a verb ends in consonant + -y, change -y to -i and add -ed.

      • carry → carried
      • try → tried
      • study → studied

      Rule #3

      If a verb ends in vowel + -y, add -ed.*

      • play → played
      • stay → stayed
      • enjoy → enjoyed

      Rule #4

      If a verb ends in a consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) pattern, double the final consonant and add -ed.**

      • hug → hugged
      • plan → planned
      • stop → stopped

      Rule #5

      For all other verbs, add -ed.

      • watch → watched
      • ask → asked
      • clean → cleaned


      *Note 1:

      There are some exceptions to Rule #3:

      • pay → paid
      • lay → laid

      **Note 2:

      Rule #4 is true only for verbs that have the stress on the final syllable. Notice the difference below:

      Syllable stress (louder, longer syllable)

      • prefer → preferred

      visit → visited