Week 12 — Last day of class (12/09)

Please note that tomorrow is an important day and that you need to be in class so that I can give you the ESOL Advising Form (this tells you which class you will be registered for) and the Fall term grade report (this tells you what area of English skills you need to work on — reading, writing, listening, grammar, and speaking).
Also, if you would like to bring some food to share with your classmates — that would be awesome.? It does not have to be a lot of food, just enough for 5 people.? You can also choose not to bring food.



  • If you haven’t paid your parking permit or class fees for this term, you will NOT be registered for the Winter term.? If you haven’t given Irene proof of OHP insurance, SNAP benefits, or public housing you will need to do so for the past term, and the upcoming winter term.

HOW TO SUBMIT FEE WAIVER: First, take a photo of your documents.

Second, write an e-mail to: shani.ong@pcc.edu.? In the email, put your full name, G#, and ESOL Level.

Finally, include the photo of the document (OHP card has to be less than 1 year or award letter for SNAP benefit, not your SNAP card).? To get a new card or a letter, you must go to DHS – Department of Human Services (address: 11826 NE Glisan St, Portland 97220).? Ask Irene for information on the last day of class.? DO NOT WAIT UNTIL JANUARY 6TH.


Recommended extra learning during the break:

  • Listen or watch an English program for 15 minutes a day (news or movie with English subtitles)
  • Duolingo (you must download the free app)
  • Review the English in Action textbook (past lessons or look ahead)
  • The English Echo Podcast