Steel Fabrication for Sculpture: Syllabus and Materials List

Steel Fabrication for Sculpture


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Shop Tech Jan McCormick

Day Saturday

Location Rock Creek PCC Campus – Building 2 – Welding Classroom and shop

Course Description


This course introduces students to metalworking through exploration of the material properties and fabrication techniques of mild steel as a raw material for creative making. Students will develop a familiarity with this method of making through lectures, demonstrations and self guided experimentation. Students will build their metalworking skills vis-a-vis welding and fabrication, including an introduction to metal finishing techniques. Proficiency will be evaluated throughout the class through student samples and small projects. This course will culminate with the production of one highly resolved creative object made of mild steel.




This course will:

  • Teach shop safety and appropriate tool usage
  • Build the student’s basic understanding of mild steel as a medium for creative uses
  • Increase the student’s confidence in designing for fabrication
  • Encourage the students to research and develop additional skills through self-guided exploration


Course Organization


Instruction will take place in the Rock Creek Metal Shop and will consist of lectures, demonstrations and frequent discussions of ongoing work. Early in the quarter, class will generally begin with a lecture or slide presentation on the day’s subject, followed by a demonstration of new metalworking skills and/or studio time for students to practice and ask questions. As the semester continues, students will gradually transition into working on major class projects during class time.



Local Material Resources

Students will be provided initial materials for the assigned welding practice assignment. For major assignments and additional work, students will be required to obtain their own materials.



Students will be required to obtain the below PPE and welding gear to bring to every class (contact me if unable to acquire)

  • Welding helmet?
  • Safety Glasses?
  • Gauntlet Style Welding Gloves
  • Jacket (no synthetics)
  • Respirator or particle mask
  • Long Pants (no synthetics)
  • Long Sleeves (no synthetics)
  • Appropriate footwear (all leather upper)
  • Welding apron (optional)


  • Pliers
    • Welpers/Welding pliers are preferred
    • Needle Nose w/ cutter is acceptable
  • Tape measure (Optional)
  • Wire Brush (Optional)
  • Welding Magnets (Optional)




  • Students will be briefed on required safety protocol week 1 and as new skills are demonstrated in class
  • Students will be required to follow all established safety rules provided by the instructor?




For any number of reasons, students may require accommodations. Please ask the instructor if you feel you may benefit from accommodation for this course and we can explore available options.


It is expected that students will act as mature members of a progressive and accepting community and understand that under no circumstances will exclusionary speech and behavior be tolerated.?


Please feel free to approach the instructor with any concerns.

?Course Schedule


Week 1


Week 2

  • Lecture: History, Fabrication and Welding
  • Demonstrations: Fabricating sheet steel
    • Tools
      • Shear
      • Bending Break
      • Slip Roller
      • Throatless Shear
      • Drill Press
      • Pop riveting
  • In the Studio: Begin Welding Practice Project


Week 3


Week 4

  • Lecture: Straight Stock
  • Demonstration: cutting, bending and welding straight stock
    • Tools
      • Horizontal Band Saw
      • Vertical Band Saw
      • Abrasive Chop Saw
      • Angle grinder
        • Flap Disk
        • Grinding Disk
        • Cut Off Disk
      • Standing Grinder
      • Map Gas
  • In the Studio: Continue Welding Practice Project
  • For Next Week: Designs for Final Project


Week 5

  • In Class Design Review
    • Share and review Final Project ideas as a class
  • For next Week: Collect Materials for Final Project


Week 6

  • Demonstration: Finishing, cleaning, patinas and painting
  • In the Studio: Final Project


Week 7

  • In the Studio: Final Project


Week 8

  • In the Studio: Final Project


Week 9

  • In the Studio: Final Project


Week 10

  • In the Studio: Final Project (if needed)
  • Final Project Review?