Secret Life of Birds
The Secret Life of Birds
Have you ?always wanted to be a birder but its just too hard and takes too much time to learn? ?Relax! ?You can be a birder without knowing the species. ?You can understand the universal rules of bird communication and finally enjoy both their music and the drama and excitement that you never even knew was going on all around you.
?In this fun, interactive and informative presentation , you will learn:
- How do birds build nests without hands and tools?
Why do they migrate?
Why does a hummingbird sparkle?
This and so much more!
Take home new knowledge that you can apply not only to the beautiful birds of the Willamette Valley, but to any bird you see anywhere in the world. ?You really can become the birder you have always wanted to be.
Guide to Bird Behavior, Volumes I, II, and III, Donald and Lilian Stokes, Little , Brown and Company , oston, 1983
Bird Sense: What its like to be a Bird, Tim Birkhead, Walker & Company, 2012
Birdology, Sy Montgomery, Free Press, New York, 2010
The Secret Language of Birds, A Treasury of Myths, Folklore,& Inspirational True Stories, Adele Nozedar, HarperElement, London, 2006
What It’s Like To Be A Bird, David Allen Sibley, Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 2020
How Birds Work, Marianne Taylor, The Experiment, New York, 2020
Ornithology, Frank B. Gill, W.H, Freeman and Company, New York, 1990
What The Robin Knows, Jon Young, Mariner Books, Boston, 2012
Birds of the Pacific Northwest, John Shewey & Tim Blount, Timber Press Field Guide, 2017
Birds of the Willamette Valley Region, Harry Nells, Tom Aversa, Hal Opperman, R>W. Morse Company, 2011
Birds of Oregon Field Guide, Stan Tekiela, Adventure Publications, Cambridge, MN, 2001
Audubon Society Field Guide to the Pacific Northwest, Peter Alden, Dennis Paulson, Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1998
The Miracle of Flight,?Stephen Dalton, Firefly Books, Manitoba, Canada, 1999