ALEKS score : which math class should I take?


  • P3 Hold: If you receive an email at your PCC email saying you have a P3 registration hold after you take ALEKS, do not panic. You didn’t do anything wrong! Reach out to an academic advisor to make sure your placement is complete and accurate (Panther Registration Session). Also, before meeting with an advisor consider re-taking ALEKS. You can take ALEKS up to 5 times, and we only use your highest score for placement. You will be required to complete a total of 3 hours in the ALEKS review module before a new test attempt unlocks for you.
  • DZ: Decision Zone conversation,?means you have options and can decide which options suits you best
ALEKS Score Range Placement Hold Status &

Decision Zone

0 – 6 ABE 0782: Fundamentals of Mathematics P3 Hold

No DZ Conv.

7 – 9 ABE Math 0782 v MTH 20 DZ P3 Hold

DZ Conversation

10 – 12 MTH 20: Basic Math (Arithmetic) P3

No DZ Conv.

13 MTH 20 v MTH 58/60 DZ P3 Hold

DZ Conversation

14-15 MTH 20 v 58/60 DZ Decision Zone but no hold
16 – 29 MTH 58/60

MTH 30 (Business) / ALC 60

No Hold or DZ
20 – 29 MTH 70?

(or MTH 65 or 60/65)

No Hold or DZ
30 – 45 MTH 95?

ALC 95

No Hold or DZ
46 – 60 MTH 105 / 111 / 211 / 243

MTH 105: Math in Society
MTH 111: College Algebra
MTH 211: Elementary School Math
MTH 243: Statistics I

No Hold or DZ
61 – 75 MTH 112: Elementary Functions

MTH 241: Business Calculus

No Hold or DZ
76 – 100 MTH 251: Calculus I No Hold or DZ