Exploring Film Noir

Explore the dark world of Film Noir in this upcoming class. These films are best known for their dark moods, neurotic gangsters, ambiguous moralities, and ever-present femme fatale lurking in the shadows. More of a style than a genre, these films responded to post-war fears and anxieties of the returning veterans.

This class will primarily focus on the postwar period from 1944 until 1950. We’ll screen some classic films and discuss the major theses and characteristics of these films. This is primarily an introductory class, but we can explore some additional themes in depth.

Here is a list of Film Noir favorites. This is a starting point for selecting the films for this upcoming program. The final selection of the week’s film will be an open process involving the entire class. The films and focus of the class is not fixed. Students are encouraged to suggest specific films or themes that interest them.

Film Noir has been an appealing style for many years. The 1980s and 1990s saw a revival of what is now labeled Neo Noir. The primary focus will be on American films released in the brief period from 1944 to 1950. Alternate subjects, such as Neo Noir or international cinema can be added to the mix, based upon the interests of the students.