Week 7

From Monday class:

There is/are practice there is there are with prepositions

Extra prepositions practice Prepositions

From Wednesday class:

Reading Directions Practice Directions Reading practice

Listening files p. 207-209

Page 206, Listen and point, Exercise 1B Audio Download

Page 208, Expand, Exercise 2D Audio Download

Page 209, Listen and read, Exercise 3A Audio Download

HW due Wednesday:

Look at the Unit 6 Map. Find “You are here.” Write directions to the following places from “You are here.” Unit 6 Map

  1. Write directions to City Hospital.
  2. Write directions to Big West Hotel.
  3. Write directions to Best Care Nursing Home.
HW due on Friday:

Workbook p. 122-123

Present Simple practice worksheet Present Simple explanation and practice

HW due Monday:

Unit 6 Test: Grammar and Reading.?Write answers on a piece of paper. Take a picture of it. Text or email your answers to me. Due on Monday.

Workbook p. 124-125