Starting a Job/Internship and Performance Reviews

People at work
Starting a new job or internship can be exciting and scary at the same time. This page is for you to gather some tips and make your work experience not a place to survive but a place to thrive. If you have any employment concerns please do not hesitate to call the center to make an appointment. 971-722-5600

Survival Tips for the New Job

The following information was put together by the Business Roundtable of The Association of Chief Human Resource Officers.

Worksheet to develop/review your professional persona

Listed below are some web resources for starting an internship/job:

Maximizing Your Internship



Performance Reviews

It is always a bit stressful to have your work reviewed but a necessary part of your career growth and skill development. Click on the link to learn a few tips to help with this process as well as what to do if you get a poor review.?Performance Review Tips

Another unpleasant but understandable situation that happens at work is making mistakes. Hey we are all human and it happens – the link below is an article that?should help you address this and get you moving in the right direction.


Workplace Tips

Understanding corporate culture is one of the most important tasks of college interns and new hires. The “culture” of an organization refers to the formal and informal rules that exist in an organization: the power structure, the customs around socializing, attire, and communication to name a few. Your chances of success will increase if you observe, learn, and adapt to the culture.

Things to keep in mind:

  • What are some of the characteristics companies want their interns and new hires to demonstrate?
  • What does it mean to “fit in”?
  • How do you assess your “fit”?
  • Show up on time, ready to work – seems obvious no – enough said
  • Dress appropriately and keep a professional image – people are watching you no matter what they say
  • Look for ways to be helpful, work hard – stay busy, seek out opportunities to make a contribution to the organization
  • Keep learning and developing skills – get a mentor, develop a professional friendship with colleagues or a senior employee
  • Track your performance, work on your weaknesses
  • When you make a mistake own it, learn from it, and present how you will fix it to your supervisor
  • Avoid negative gossip, keep information confidential, be aware of your work culture, and be diplomatic at all times
  • Welcome change and technology
  • Keep aware of deadlines and the time it takes you to complete tasks
  • Contribute to the bottom line – everything boils down to money and budgets
  • Welcome new tasks and keep your eye on the bigger picture. This can be your career builder and take you to the next position
  • Keep your motivation up and maintain a positive attitude remember the business is only as good as its employees
  • Keep an open mind and be culturally aware and accepting
  • Be self-confident but not cocky
  • Maintain your healthy self-care techniques for your body and mind to handle the stress of a new situation
  • Know how you communicate best and how you learn – this will help you help your supervisor and teammates work with you
  • Remember when you are an intern – the boss is always right even when they are not
  • Know when a situation is abusive and get out

Additional Resources