Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Curriculum Vitae



M.A.??? 1995? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Psychology and Social Behavior
School of Social Ecology
University of California, Irvine

B.A.????? 1988? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Political Science
College of Liberal Arts
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Minor in Psychology



2017??????????????????????????? McCann, V. Human Relations: The Art and Science of Building Effective Relationships (2nd edition). Boston, MA: Pearson Education.

2017??????????????????????????? Zimbardo, P.G., Johnson, R.L., and McCann, V. REVEL for Psychology: Core Concepts (8th edition). Hoboken, NJ: Pearson Education.

2014??????????????????????????? Zimbardo, P.G., Johnson, R.L., and McCann, V. Psychology: Core Concepts, DSM-V edition (7th edition, revised). Hoboken, NJ: Pearson ??????????????????????????????? ??????????? Education

2012??????????????????????????? Zimbardo, P.G., Johnson, R.L., and McCann, V. Psychology: Core Concepts (7th edition). Hoboken, NJ: Pearson Education.

2009??????????????????????????? Zimbardo, P.G., Johnson, R.L., and McCann, V. Psychology: Core Concepts (6th edition). Hoboken, NJ: Pearson Education.

2007??????????????????????????? Hamilton, V.M.? Human Relations: The Art and Science of Building? Effective Relationships.? Boston, MA: Pearson Education.



1995 – present
Instructor of Psychology
Social Sciences Division
Portland Community College

1994 – 1995
Faculty Instructional Consultant
Instructional 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网ment Services
University of California, Irvine

1991 – 1993
Teaching Assistant Consultant
Instructional 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网ment Services and School of Social Ecology
University of California, Irvine

1991 – 1995
Graduate Teaching Assistant
School of Social Ecology
University of California, Irvine

1990 – 1991
Student Services Coordinator
California State University, San Bernardino
Coachella Valley Campus

1988 – 1990
Adjunct Instructor
Imperial Valley College

1989 – 1990
Transfer Center Coordinator
San Diego State University
Imperial Valley Campus

1988 – 1989
Counselor and Instructional Specialist
Student Support Services
Imperial Valley College


2018? ? ? ? Inside the Mind of Dr. Zimbardo: The Actor’s Studio Comes to WPA
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Interviewer of Dr. Zimbardo for WPA’s Distinguished Scientist Event

2016??? ? ? Harnessing the Power of the Growth Mindset
BUILD (Building Infrastructure Leading to Diversity) – NIH grant program
California State University, Long Beach

2015? ? ? ? No More Glassy-Eyed Students: Innovative Ways to Engage Your Class
President’s Symposium
Co-Presenters: Laura Freberg, Brian Detweiler-Bedell, Deborah Licht, Misty Hull
Western Psychological Association Annual Convention, Las Vegas, NV

2014? ? ? ? ?Putting It All Together: A Theme-Based Approach to Teaching
Terman Teaching Conference
Western Psychological Association Annual Convention, Portland, OR

2012? ? ? ? ?Making Introductory Psychology Memorable, Challenging, and Fun
PT@CC Symposium
Co-Presenters: Philip Zimbardo, Robert Johnson
Western Psychological Association Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA

2011? ? ? ? ? Making Psychology Relevant: Diversity is the Way
Northwest Teaching of Psychology Conference, Olympia, WA

2009? ? ? ? ? ?Psychology: The Gift That Keeps On Giving
The Last Lecture
Western Psychological Association Annual Conference, Portland, OR

2008? ? ? ? ? Psychology as a Tapestry: Stronger With Multicultural Threads
National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology, St. Petersburg, FL

2004? ? ? ? ? Is? Self-Esteem a Magic Bullet for Success?
Washington Psychological Association Annual Convention



2016??????????????????????????? Giving Psychology Away: Building Vibrant Hero Networks from? Classroom to Community
Co-Presenters: Philip Zimbardo, Sonja Terdal Oshove, Brian Metcalf, Brian Detweiler-Bedell
Western Psychological Association Annual Conference, Long Beach, CA

2014??????????????????????????? A Psych Faculty Trifecta: Assessing Learning Outcomes and Increasing? Prosocial Behavior – Without Increasing Your Workload!
??????????????????????????????????? Co-Presenter: Philip Zimbardo
Western Psychological Association Annual Conference, Portland, OR

2009??????????????????????????? The State of Psychology at Community Colleges
??????????????????????????????????? Panel Presentation
American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Toronto, Canada


Panels , Talks, and Events Organized/Chaired

2018??????????????????????????? Internationalizing Your Curriculum
Speaker: Marlene Eid
Western Psychological Association Annual Conference, Portland, OR

2018??????????????????????????? I Think, Therefore, I Am: Teaching Critical Thinking
Speakers: Kauyumari Sanchez and Eric Kim
Western Psychological Association Annual Conference, Portland, OR

2018??????????????????????????? Pavlov’s Discovery: History, Impact, and Controversy
Speaker: Inna Kanevsky
Western Psychological Association Annual Conference, Portland, OR

2018??????????????????????????? Teaching Take-Outs: Innovative Activities for the Psychology Classroom
Western Psychological Association Annual Conference, Long Beach, CA

2018??????????????????????????? Building Bridges to Facilitate Student Success
Speakers: LaDonna Lewis and Erica Dixon
Western Psychological Association Annual Conference, Portland, OR

2016??????????????????????????? Teaching Take-Outs: Innovative Activities for the Psychology Classroom
Western Psychological Association Annual Conference, Long Beach, CA

2015??????????????????????????? Teaching Online: Tools for Creating Community and Building Student? Success
Speaker: April Kindrick
Western Psychological Association Annual Conference, Las Vegas, NV

2015??????????????????????????? Teaching Take-Outs: Innovative Activities for the Psychology Classroom
Western Psychological Association Annual Conference, Las Vegas, NV

2014??????????????????????????? PT@CC Breakfast Meeting
Western Psychological Association Annual Convention, Portland, OR

2013??????????????????????????? Building Autonomy: Facilitating Metacognition and Successful Study Behaviors
Speaker: Regan Gurung
Western Psychological Association Annual Conference, Reno, NV

2012??????????????????????????? PT@CC Breakfast Meeting
Western Psychological Association Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA

2011??????????????????????????? Faculty Learning Communities: Integrated Learning for the 21st Century
Speakers: Kathryn Clancy and Erika Dixon
Western Psychological Association Annual Conference, Los Angeles, CA

2011??????????????????????????? Sleights of Mind: The Neuroscience of Magic
Speakers: Stephen Macknik and Susana Martinez-Conde
Western Psychological Association Annual Conference, Los Angeles, CA

2011??????????????????????????? Storytelling as a Bridge to Student Learning
Speakers: April Kindrick, Inna Kanvesky, Phil? Zimbardo, Heidi Riggio
Western Psychological Association Annual Conference, Los Angeles, CA

2011??????????????????????????? Teaching Take-Outs: Innovative Activities for the Psychology Classroom
Western Psychological Association Annual Conference, Los Angeles, CA

2010??????????????????????????? Hands-On Learning Through International Travel and Research
Western Psychological Association Annual Conference, Cancun, MX

2010??????????????????????????? Teaching Take-Outs: Innovative Activities for the Psychology Classroom
Western Psychological Association Annual Conference, Cancun, MX

2010??????????????????????????? Understanding Adults with Asperger’s Syndrome: Your Students, Colleagues, and Friends
Speakers: Barbara DeFilippo, Nan Lester, J.D. Elliott
Western Psychological Association Annual Conference, Cancun, MX

2010??????????????????????????? PT@CC Breakfast Meeting
Western Psychological Association Annual Conference, Cancun, MX

2009??????????????????????????? Why Psychologists Should Be the Best Teachers In Any Field (But Aren’t)
Speaker: Stephen Chew
Western Psychological Association Annual Conference, Portland, OR

2009??????????????????????????? PT@CC Breakfast Meeting
Western Psychological Association Annual Conference, Portland, OR

2009??????????????????????????? User-Friendly Technologies To Enhance Teaching and Learning
Speakers: Jerry Rudmann, Kris Leppien-Christenson
Western Psychological Association Annual Conference, Portland, OR

2008??????????????????????????? How Psychology Can Help You Every Day of Your Life
Speaker: Robert J. Sternberg
American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Boston, MA



2020??????????????????????????? Fellow, Western Psychological Association

2018??????????????????????????? PCC Grant for Professional 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网ment in Internationalization

2013??????????????????????????? PCC Grant for One-Year Professional Leave

2009??????????????????????????? PCC Grant to attend Summer Institute for Intercultural Communication

2001??????????????????????????? PCC Grant for One-Year Professional Leave

1994??????????????????????????? Outstanding Teaching Assistant, University of California, Irvine

1989??????????????????????????? IVC Grant: The Freshman-Year Experience Seminar



Introduction to Psychology
Psychology and Human Relations
Human 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网ment
Social Psychology
Personality Psychology
Family and Intimate Relationships (initiated and developed at PCC)
Human Sexuality
Psychology Seminar and Practicum
Abnormal Psychology
Health Psychology
AIDS Fundamentals
Social Inequality
Urban Sociology
College Survival and Success Skills


2004 – present??????????? Chair, PT@CC Program
Western Psychological Association

1999 – present??????????? Council Member
Western Psychological Association

2007 – 2009??????????????? Feature Editor
The General Psychologist

2007 – 2008??????????????? Contributing Editor
Psychology Teacher Network

2006 – 2008??????????????? Executive Committee
American Psychological Association
Psychology Teachers at Community Colleges

2006 – 2008??????????????? Co-Chair, PT@CC Programs at APA Annual Convention


2019 – present??????????? Psychology Signature Assignment 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网ment Task Force

2018 – 2019??????????????? Sylvania Friday Academy 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网ment Committee

2017 – 2018???????????????? Psychology Program Review Committee

2015 – present??????????? Co-Coordinator, PCC/Lewis & Clark HIP Internship Program

2008 – 2013???????????????? Psychology Program Review Committee

2011??????????????????????????? PCC Study Abroad Group Leader

2009 – 2010??????????????? Chair, Psychology 101 Online Task Force

2009 – 2010??????????????? Chair, Psychology Subject Area Curriculum Committee

2005 – 2010???????????????? Advisor, Psychology Club

2007 – 2009??????????????? Psy 285 (Psychology Seminar and Practicum) 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网ment Committee

2007 – 2009??????????????? Advisor, Travel Club

2005 -2007????????????????? Honors Advisory Committee

2006??????????????????????????? PCC Study Abroad Group Leader

2005??????????????????????????? Intro Psych Student Survey
Survey 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网ment, Administration, and Analysis

2002 – 2003??????????????? Psychology Program Review Committee

2001??????????????????????????? Working Effectively With Difficult Students (Panelist)
Symposium for Sylvania Teaching/Learning Center

2001??????????????????????????? PCC Study Abroad Group Leader

1999 – 2001??????????????? Chair, Psychology Subject Area Curriculum Committee

2000??????????????????????????? Co-Coordinator (Psychology), Millennium Fair
PCC Sylvania

1995 – 2000???????????????? Steering Committee
Teaching/Learning Center

1997 – 2000??????????????? Chair and Program Lead
Peer Consulting Services, Teaching/Learning Center

1997 – 2000??????????????? Initiated and Advised PCC Psychology Club

1999??????????????????????????? Dealing With Difficult Students
Workshop Presented for Sylvania Teaching/Learning Center

1997-1999?????????????????? Learning Communities Task Force

1999??????????????????????????? Planning Committee
Social Sciences Division Retreat

1999??????????????????????????? Psychology Screening Committee

1998??????????????????????????? PCC Study Abroad Group Leader

1998??????????????????????????? Participant Presenter
Lilly Northwest Conference on College and University Teaching

1998??????????????????????????? Co-Chair
TLC Winter Conference

1997??????????????????????????? Panelist
New Faculty Orientation

1997??????????????????????????? Psychology Screening Committee

1997??????????????????????????? Active Learning Strategies
Workshop Presented at Sylvania In-Service

1997??????????????????????????? Co-Chair
TLC Winter Conference

1996??????????????????????????? Social Sciences Division Workplace Satisfaction Survey
Survey 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网ment, Administration, and Analysis

1996??????????????????????????? Building Effective Groups in the Classroom
Workshop Presented for Sylvania Teaching/Learning Center
Co-Presenter: Linda Warwick

1996??????????????????????????? The Peripatetic Exam Review
Workshop Presented for Sylvania Teaching/Learning Center



Communicating Effectively in a Diverse Environment
Strategies for? Effective Classroom Discussions
Presentation Styles in the Classroom
Responding to Student Work
Designing Interesting and Challenging Assignments
Writing a Fair and Effective Exam
Techniques for Promoting Critical Thinking
The Rainbow: An Icebreaker That Celebrates Diversity
Overcoming Barriers to Creativity in the Classroom
Observation and Feedback Skills for Classroom Presentations
The Chain Reaction: An Innovative Group Work Technique
Close Encounters: How Group Dynamics Affect Classroom Outcomes



2016??????????????????????????? Executive Director
Heroic Imagination Project

2015??????????????????????????? Director of Education and 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网ment
Heroic Imagination Project

2013 – 2014??????????????? Education and Program Consultant
Heroic Imagination Project

2014??????????????????????????? English Teacher
Give A Heart to Africa
Moshi, Tanzania

2014??????????????????????????? Conservation Volunteer
Imire Rhino and Wildlife Reserve, Zimbabwe



2003 – present????????????????? Psychology Teachers at Community Colleges (PT@CC)

2002 – present ??????????????? American Psychological Association (APA)

2000 – present????????????????? Association for Psychological Science (APS)

1998 – present????????????????? Western Psychological Association (WPA)

2004 – 2008???????????????????????? Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP)

1995 – 1997???????????????????????? Professional and Organizational 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网ment Network in Higher Education (POD)



Philip G. Zimbardo, Professor Emeritus
Stanford University
Founder and President, Heroic Imagination Project

Heidi R. Riggio, Professor
California State University, Los Angeles

Lauren L. Kuhn, Psychology Instructor
Portland Community College

Robert L. Johnson, Psychology Instructor (retired)
Umpqua Community College

Additional References Available Upon Request