Student Belonging, Engagement, and Well-Being

Student Belonging, Engagement, and Well-BeingThe Student Belonging, Engagement, and Well-Being was a project that encompassed four different programs, each contributing to the belonging, engagement, and well-being of specific populations at PCC. Smaller, funded objectives for parts of this project have been completed, and the below programs will continue to operate and grow. The programs involved were:

  • Outreach and Advocacy Project (OAP):
    • The Outreach & Advocacy Project provides advocacy, information, and resources related to relationship/dating violence, sexual violence, stalking, and sexual harassment.
  • The PCC CLEAR Clinic:
    • The PCC CLEAR Clinic is a free legal clinic at the college that provides legal services aimed at reducing barriers to success in college and the workforce, and increasing well-being. With this assistance, PCC community members are able to reduce barriers to employment, housing, education, and well-being. We are dedicated to increasing access to justice and addressing the lasting impact of disproportionate law enforcement on people of color and low-income communities.
  • Men of Color 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网 Program (MoCLP):
    • The Men of Color 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网 Program combines college credit courses with student development resources. Participants earn seven college-transferable, tuition-free credits in Career and Life Planning as well as Exploring Identity and Diversity. Classes support knowledge and skill building around various topics including:
      • Academic success
      • Demystifying and navigating college demands and expectations
      • Men’s health and wellness
      • Exploring identity, race, gender, culture, society, individual transformation, and social change.
  • Latino/a/x & Indigenous Student Success – College Access Latinx Initiative (CALI):
    • The Latino/a/x & Indigenous Student Success Plan seeks to address historic and current systemic inequities experienced by Latino/a/x and Indigenous students through focused investments and partnerships with higher education and other entities. The plan centers equity and community by ensuring those closest to the problem help develop and design the solutions. Through this effort, we will work to close the opportunity gap and eliminate educational disparities to ensure all our students can thrive.