This content was published: November 10, 2015. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

2015 Eco Challenge Results

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This year PCC had record breaking participation in the Northwest Earth Institute’s Annual Eco Challenge-?with 141 challengers gaining 7,620 points. We also beat our Eco Challenge competitors, Chemeketa Community College, by a landslide! Check out our collective impact below and a blog post by Brian Ginsburg from the Sylvania Environmental Center- one of PCC’s highest Eco Challenge scorers!

  • Saved 1,892 gallons of water
  • Replaced 61 inefficient bulbs; saving $854
  • Saved 1,105 lbs of CO2
  • Used organic ingredients in 50 meals
  • Enjoyed 113 meatless meals
  • Cooked 1 meal with zero waste
  • Diverted 44 lbs of food waste
  • Diverted 129 disposable cups
  • Saved 10 lbs of paper
  • Wrote 14 letters advocating action
  • Spent an additional 1,380 minutes outdoors
  • Picked up 203 pieces of litter


My EcoChallenge this year is picking up a minimum of five pieces of litter per day. This was inspired by a conversation I had with a Forest Service Ranger this summer. He said campers came in three varieties: those who would leave a clean campsite, those who would leave trash if they saw litter in their campsite, and those who would litter under any circumstances. He picked up litter for the second group of campers.

I am picking up litter this year to inspire by example.

Today I saw a particularly unwholesome pile of litter. On completing the cleanup of one spot in my neighborhood, I walked away with 45 pieces of litter! My haul included two glass bottles, which I cleaned up and recycled. Check out the photo of my EcoChallenge results for the day. – Brian Ginsburg