This content was published: September 18, 2018. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

PCC, Sustain Me! Episode #4 – Elaine Cole, a Sustainability Rock Star Here at PCC

Elaine Cole, a Sustainability Rock Star Here at PCC


What can I say? I’m a big fan of Elaine Cole Ph.D.

She is the Sustainability Coordinator at PCC Rock Creek Campus and ever since first meeting her last year I was in awe of how engaged and passionate she was around PCC. It wasn’t long before I learned that this engagement and passion spans the continental United States. And that doesn’t surprise me one bit.?Elaine and I sat down in the Rock Creek Learning Garden and had a nice conversation, it would be delightful if you tuned in to hear some of the goodness that was shared that day.

Rock Creek Learning Garden Interview

Elaine & I and the abundance of the Learning Garden behind her…

Rock Creek Learning Garden Interview

Elaine & I and the massive solar array off in the distance…

And it is most certainly worth mentioning that this episode features a sweet new song called “Intuition” by my buddy?Nathaniel Talbot off his upcoming album “Animal” and it’s sooooo good. And Nathaniel and his music were a natural or dare I say organic (too corny?) accompaniment to this episode, he is a passionate sustainability enthusiast and him and his wife Annie own Deep Harvest Farm up on Whidbey Island in Washington State. And an exciting development this past year for them is that they also started an organic seed shop as well!

Well, I thoroughly enjoyed my conversation with Elaine Cole and I hope you find both some pleasure in listening and also maybe learn something new along the way, too.

As always, thank you for tuning in!

Click Here ToListen! PCC, Sustain Me!