Sustainability Community Based Learning (CBL)

Community-Based Learning (CBL) is a teaching method that integrates reciprocal partnerships, community engagement, and critical reflection to meet institutional and course outcomes while developing individual, civic, and social responsibility. At PCC, the CBL program provides support across all disciplines by assisting faculty with community-based learning course implementation, professional development, and resources. The Sustainability Department is excited to support and collaborate with faculty to create positive learning experiences for students at PCC around sustainability challenges.

PCC Sustainability is excited to support and collaborate with faculty to create positive learning experiences for students at PCC around sustainability challenges.? In order for us to best help you, please follow the steps below.

How to get started?

  1. Visit PCC Community Based Learning and click on “Faculty: Teach with CBL.” Please fill out the form and express interest in working with Sustainability for your CBL project.
  2. Read through this Sustainability Community-Based Learning Guide.
  3. Fill out?Sustainability Community Based Learning Project Form and submit to
  4. Our team will be in touch with you to set up a meeting in order to:
    1. Brainstorm project ideas and details;
    2. Follow up on questions; and
    3. Provide information that you need from us.
  5. Create a project description and submit your request four-eight weeks prior to your need for materials from the Sustainability Office. (The time frame will vary depending upon request.)

If you have any questions, please contact