Rock Creek

National sustainability organization AASHE awards PCC with its highest honor
The Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) has awarded Portland Community College the 2015 AASHE Sustainability […] Posted October 30, 2015
Rock Creek receives $100, 000 grant with OSU
A?$100,000 grant has been awarded to Oregon State University Extension to expand OSU’s Beginning Urban Farmer Apprenticeship program. The grant […] Posted October 21, 2015
Earth Week Earth Week 2015 1
Join us in celebrating Earth Week: April 20-24 Earth Week events will take?place at all campuses.?Learn sustainable practices, participate in […] Posted April 3, 2015
Flowers with a bee Garden Gossip: New Trees, Bees, and Spring Greens
New Trees, Bees, and Spring Greens We hope you had a fantastic, restful Spring Break and are ready to gear […] Posted April 1, 2015
Volunteer schedule Volunteer with Rock Creek’s Learning Garden this Spring Term! 1
Rock Creek Learning Garden Weekly Volunteer Schedule Spring Term Harvest Crew: Tuesdays Join a team to harvest food for the […] Posted March 18, 2015
Electronics recycling Successful eCycle Event at PCC Rock Creek
February 9th-11th ASPCC members at the Rock Creek campus hosted an eCycle event. What is an eCycle event? An eCycling […] Posted February 26, 2015
Carpool to School
Eco-Tip: Does Ride Share save me money and help the world? YES! In addition to the savings in gas you […] Posted February 26, 2015
Award Rock Creek Science and Technology Department got Bronze!
Way to go Rock Creek Science and Technology department in becoming a?certified?Green Office at the bronze level! They are now […] Posted February 26, 2015
PCC written with pumpkins Rock Creek Hiring a Garden Educator
Rock Creek is hiring a Learning Garden Educator. This job is an Americorps position, which Rock Creek would like to […] Posted February 18, 2015
E-Recycling E-Recycling (Feb 9th, 10th, & 11th)
E-Recycling?(electronic recycling) PCC. Rock Creek Campus, Bldg 3, RM 128 (Student Center) February 9th and 11th from 9 am to […] Posted February 2, 2015