Environmental Center

The PCC Environmental Center (E-Center) promotes sustainability education and action. We support students to protect, grow and sustain our local and global community.

Garlic harvest with volunteers in the Learning GardenCascade Urban Learning Garden breaks ground!
PCC E-CenterGrow With Us

The five PCC Learning Gardens are living classrooms that work to offer equity-centered learning opportunities, cultivate a sense of belonging and promote community on campus in our support of food sovereignty. Our garden is a living laboratory where individuals and groups teach and learn through organic gardening. There are weekly volunteer hours in every garden – all are welcome!

Inspire Sustainable Action

Students inspire change in hearts, minds and communities. There are many clubs and committees to join or lead on your own. Whatever your sustainable action, you can make a difference. We will help support your sustainability endeavors and ideas. The E-Center can help develop project ideas and apply for grants like the college’s Eco Social Justice Grant that awards student grants to improve campus sustainability.

Gather Community

Community is the basis for real change. We bring students, staff and faculty together to protect and celebrate our planet through campus sustainability initiatives and events. We apply social justice principles through our work on food sovereignty, upcycling, composting, climate change and other community initiatives.

Each April, Earth Week brings PCC together in celebration and renewed commitment to our planet. Earth Week is a great time to share your passion for the environment! Have an idea? Join our team! Contact Peter Ritson.

Teach and Learn

Faculty and staff are important leaders in campus sustainability. Including sustainability in your course can seed student imagination and intellect, inspiring real change. From class projects to service learning hours, we invite your classes to get involved in garden and sustainability projects. Faculty and staff can get more involved in this work through Sustainability Practices and Resources for Curriculum (SPARC).

Get involved!

Join a club! Spend time in the garden! Apply for an Eco Social Justice grant! We would love to see you! Find ways to get involved on the Student Sustainability Hub.

Questions? Contact Peter Ritson.