Earth Week 2018

Earth Week April 16-24, 2018#PCCEarthWeek18 PHOTO CONTEST!

Featured speaker: Dr. Breeze Harper

LectureDr. Breeze Harper

Black, Mama, Scholar: on Black Feminist Geography, Food Ethics and Motherhood

  • Wednesday, April 18
  • 9-10am
  • Sylvania, ST 108

Dr. A. Breeze Harper is a senior diversity and inclusion strategist for Critical Diversity Solutions, a seasoned speaker, and author of books and articles related to critical race feminism, intersectional anti-racism, and ethical consumption. Dr. Harper will be reflecting on her past 15 years exploring the realms of Black Feminist Geography and Critical Race Feminism. This has informed much of her social justice activism, critical food studies, and what it has been like being a mother within a white settler nation that is these United States of America. Community members welcome!


“Cruelty-free” and the commodity Chain: Applications of Black Radical Tradition in Ethical Veganism

  • Wednesday, April 18
  • 11am-1pm
  • Sylvania, CC Tree Rooms
  • Lunch provided

Dr. Harper will discuss ethical marketing schemes of “Cruelty-free” and “sustainable” by analyzing particular vegan food items. Normally constructed as “cruelty-free” because no animals are harmed, these commodities are sold as “ethical” to thousands of vegan consumers in the USA. However, through decolonial and critical race framing of the food commodity chain, Dr. Harper will show how neoliberal capitalism, race, and ethics converge through the marketing and unethical sourcing of ingredients. Workshop will also illuminate ways people can take action on the issues. Community members welcome! Please rsvp to to ensure your spot!

Featured Display: Justseeds Artist Cooperative Portfolios

Portfolios of art prints by Justseeds artists and allies that address social and environmental issues. Each portfolio is an educational tool, a gesture of solidarity and a thing of beauty. Different portfolios on display at each campus April 16-20.

Cascade Campus, Student Union – Wellspring
Wellspring is a portfolio of twelve original risograph prints celebrating water.

Rock Creek Campus, Building 5?No al Cambio Climatico! Ante la destruction, organizate?
This portfolio was created by? Escuela de Cultura Popular Martires del 68 from Mexico City?in resistance to climate change.

Sylvania Campus, Upper CC Mall – Resourced
Resourced is a collaborative portfolio of prints addressing resource extraction and resulting social inequalities.

Southeast, Great Hall – ?We Are the Storm

We Are the Storm is a collection of prints created in solidarity with frontline communities in resistance to climate change.

Justseeds Artists Cooperative Portfolio with Presentation and Discussion
Cascade Campus Student Union

Monday Apr 16,

11am to 1pm

Thea Gahr is an itinerant print-maker from Oregon. She works with the Justseeds Artist Cooperative, Escuela de Cultura Popular Martires del 68, Collectivo Cordyceps, and La Furia de Las Calles. Thea will lead a presentation and discussion about the Wellspring poster portfolio and illuminate the role of art in the sustainability and environmental justice movement.

  • Justseeds Portfolio 2
  • Justseeds Portfolio 4
  • Justseeds portfolio 1
  • Justseeds Portfolio 3
Student In-service Event: Tara Houska

Tara Houska EventThis is a closed event for student leaders.

Student Life & 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网 Programs, in a partnership with the Office of Sustainability, are hosting the second annual #EcoSocialJustice student in-service training, featuring Tara Houska.

  • Tuesday, April 24
  • Cascade Student Union Building
  • 8:30am – 3pm
    • 8:30am: Light breakfast
    • 9am: Tara Houska Keynote with Q&A
    • Noon: Lunch
    • 1pm: City Repair Project Mural Design

Tara Houska is Ojibwe from Couchiching First Nation. She is a tribal rights attorney in Washington, D.C., and is involved in advocacy on a broad spectrum of indigenous issues. Much of her work is focused on environmental justice and institutional racism. This event is designed to incorporate student leadership teams from the various PCC IBEB Centers and ASPCC programs. The event will include a keynote address from Tara Houska as well as a question and answer session.

This event is paid for by the Eco Social Justice Grant, a program funded by the Student Activity Fee.

Events by location



Rock Creek

