Rock Creek

The Rock Creek Sustainability Office supports campus-wide efforts to learn, work and live sustainably in a way that improves our community?and?respects the rights and needs of future generations. The many facets of sustainability at Rock Creek include behavior change and education, energy conservation, waste reduction and diversion, and sustainable food production.

Rock Creek Sustainability

The Sustainability Office oversees:

  • The campus?Apiary?and spearheads the Bee Campus USA certification project.
  • The campus wide?Power Shift?energy conservation behavior change campaign.
  • The Rock Creek Learning Garden, which serves as a living classroom and resource for students, faculty and our campus community. The garden provides opportunity for inquiry, experiential learning and inspiration. Students, faculty, staff and community members are involved through the classroom, volunteering, the farm stand and events. We strive to model sustainable gardening practices and encourage garden volunteers, rewarding their labors with fresh produce.

Additionally, the Sustainability Office is involved in and supports many other campus based sustainable activities and serves as a local resource for the college community and a variety of external partners.

To learn more, check out this tour of the Rock Creek Campus Sustainability Facilities!

Get Involved

There are many ways to get involved with sustainable practices and program at Rock Creek campus. Check out PCC’s Student Sustainability Hub for more upcoming events, volunteer opportunities, classes, jobs, clubs and resources!