
Dining services staff with learning garden produceFacilitiesfacilities

Facilities Management Services is committed to sustainability! FMS supports green cleaning with the Lotus Pro system, which uses ionized water for cleaning and avoids the use of over 170 gallons of cleaner annually. All paper products purchased through FMS contain at minimum 25% post-consumer recycled content. Further, FMS follows strict Integrated Pest Management procedures and the Grounds Department has reduced pesticide use by over 70% with practices such as planting natives for groundcover, hand pulling and burning weeds, and mulching.

Food & Diningdining

Dining Services promotes sustainability through its offerings of local, organic, fair trade, and vegetarian/vegan food options, totaling over 30% of purchases. Dining Services also utilizes produce grown in the Rock Creek learning garden- a total of 5,000 pounds was donated this past year! Dining Services also reduces waste by collecting food scraps for compost in the kitchen.


PCC is reducing energy consumption even as the college’s size continues to grow! In fact, energy retrofits and conservation efforts have resulted in a 45% decrease in energy use per square foot since 2006.? This is a result of numerous efforts, including renewable energy installations- like the 500 kW solar system at Rock Creek, LEED-certified buildings- such as Newberg’s Net Zero building, and infrastructure upgrades- including condensed natural gas boilers and utility loop upgrades.


Transportation and Parking supports sustainability through their transportation demand management effort, providing numerous resources to commuters taking alternate transportation and managing inter-campus shuttles for all staff and students. These efforts have resulted in more than half of students, faculty, and staff using more sustainable modes to get to campus.


Water-fill stations have been installed throughout the District, collectively saving over 2 million plastic bottles from use. Water conservation is also integrated into all new construction, from water-saving fixtures to innovative stormwater management. For example, the CLIMB Storm Water Education Plaza project was selected as one of the “2013 Top Storm Water and Erosion Control Projects” in the U.S. by Storm Water Solutions!

Waste, Recycling, Compostingrecycling

PCC is all about reducing waste! Collectively, solid waste contributes to less than 1% of our overall greenhouse gas footprint. We have pre-consumer composting at all four campuses and post-consumer composting at Rock Creek. Sylvania campus is next up to implement post-consumer composting. PCC also recycles electronic waste with collection sites at the Sylvania Library and periodic hard drive smashing and e-recycling events!


PCC recognizes that its impact extends beyond its campuses and centers, and as a result, the college is committed to integrating sustainability into its purchases of services and goods. PCC is a founding member of the Sustainable Purchasing 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网 Council and an active participant in the Oregon Environmental Council’s Healthy Purchasing Coalition. In 2011, PCC’s Board of Directors approved the Oregon Community College Rules of Procurement Sustainability Commitment. PCC has integrated sustainability language into its RFP process and has joined other Oregon higher eds and government organizations in choosing flame retardant-free furnishings when possible. The college has also developed a Green Office Supplies Guidebook and the District Student Council has approved a sustainable purchasing policy and sustainable events guide.