
Adam Holzschuh (he/him) – Energy Manager

Adam Holzschuh HeadshotAdam is the college’s Energy Resources Manager, primarily responsible for managing the Strategic Energy Management program, utility payments, overseeing the HVAC building control system, and energy savings projects throughout the district. Utilities include electricity and natural gas used to heat and cool buildings, water and sewer (including irrigation), and waste disposal. He has a B.A. from Purdue University and 12 years experience designing and implementing energy savings projects on the East Coast before starting at PCC. His focus is the education of facility staff, students, and continuously improving building operations. He likes to spend his free time hiking, cooking, and wildlife photography.

Contact Adam Holzschuh

Max Teschner (he/him) – Strategic Energy Management Associate

Max PhotoMax Teschner is the Strategic Energy Management Intern at PCC. He analyzes electric and natural gas data, coordinates with the Energy Trust of Oregon to identify inefficiencies in the college’s energy usage, helps conduct energy audits, and works with the college’s energy and utility management system and the Department of Energy to track energy usage. Max is currently entering his second year of school in the Lane Community College Building Energy Automation and Controls program (BECA) and hopes to work in the energy efficiency industry upon graduation in the summer of 2024. Max grew up in Portland, earned his Bachelor of Arts from the University of Oregon in International Studies. He is passionate about animal rights and combating climate change, and spends his free time reading, writing, and enjoying the outdoors.

Contact Max Teschner