This content was published: January 25, 2023. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

QTR2 FY23 Quarterly IT Portfolio

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2nd Quarter Fall Term Report Overview:

As we wrapped up 2022, the 2nd fiscal quarter, and the operationally busy fall term, the Information Technology (IT) department continues to provide its technology
support at a steady pace while operating in our new ongoing hybrid work modality. The IT project teams closed 20 projects, which was an 11% increase over the same
period last year, and took in 16 new project intakes relative that period. Read additional details about completed projects in our Qtr 2 FY23 Quarterly Report.

For a downloadable .pdf version of this report, please utilize the following link: FY23_QTR2_IT_Portfolio_Report_(October_2022_-_December_2022)

For any questions regarding the IT portfolio please contact our Interim IT Portfolio Manager, Ida Hadgu at?,?or visit the?IT PMO Spaces page.