This content was published: October 8, 2018. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Fall 2018

A Midsummer Night's Dream posterThe award winning PCC Theatre Arts program presents A Midsummer Night’s Dream, the timeless romantic comedy by?William Shakespeare. Set in a magical forest near ancient Athens, this play follows blissfully confused lovers, blundering actors, and mischief making magical creatures as they dive into Shakespeare’s unforgettable vision of ludicrous longing, lush language and lasting love. It is filled with Shakespeare’s most memorable quotes, including:

  • “Though she be but little, she is fierce”
  • “Lord, what fools these mortals be”
  • “The course of true love never did run smooth”

This visually stunning romantic comedy is brought to you by the talents of PCC Theatre Arts and Dance Program staff and students.

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PCC Sylvania Performing Arts Center

  • Friday, November 9, 7pm
  • Saturday,?November 10, 7 pm
  • Thursday?November 15, 11am – matinee, pay what you wish
  • Friday,?November 16, 7pm
  • Saturday,?November 17, 7pm – sign language interpretation performance
  • Sunday,?November 18, 2pm – matinee


  • Designed by Sarah Gahagan,?Sue Bean-Portinga,?Dan Hays, Diane Trapp and Eve Bradford
  • Assembled by Mike Pfaff and Michelle Keeker-Kiyoi
  • Stage managed and assistant directed by Keanan Stone, ASM-Grace Kemling
  • Directed by Patrick Tangredi


Tickets on sale in the PCC Sylvania Bookstore beginning Oct 1. No assigned seating. We have accessible seating and hearing assisted devices.

  • $5: All students, seniors, veterans, and PCC staff and alumni
  • $10: General admission

The length/running time is approximately 2 hours, including one intermission. This production is appropriate for ages 10 and up.