Web Team

Contact info: webteam@pcc.edu

Articles (36):

Orlando poster Orlando
Winter 2025 production. March 6-9, 2025. By Virginia Woolf, adapted for the stage by Sarah Ruhl. Auditions will be held in mid-November. Posted September 4, 2024
12 Angry Jurors poster 12 Angry Jurors
Spring 2025 production. May 15-18, 2025. By Reginald Rose. Auditions will be held in late February and early March. Posted September 4, 2024
A Christmas Carol poster A Christmas Carol
Fall 2024 production. November 21-24, 2024. Adapted for the stage from Charles Dickens's classic beloved novel. Auditions on September 25. Posted September 4, 2024
Too Much Light Makes the Baby Go Blind poster 30 Neo-Futurist Plays from Too Much Light Makes the Baby Go Blind (30 plays in 60 minutes)
This collection of 30 two-minute plays combines a little bit of everything – comic, tragic, political, personal, and abstract plays! […] Posted November 20, 2023
Little Shop of Horros poster Little Shop of Horrors
March 8-10 and 14-17. Little Shop of Horrors is a horror comedy rock musical with music by Alan Menken. Posted October 11, 2023
The Hitchhiker and Sorry, Wrong Number poster The Hitchhiker and Sorry, Wrong Number
Come see two plays considered “the greatest audio dramas ever written”. But wait! We’re producing them entirely for the stage! […] Posted October 26, 2022
The Me Nobody Knows poster The Me Nobody Knows
Music by Gary William Freidman with lyrics by Will Holt Directed and produced by Julianne Johnson Weiss and Dan Hays […] Posted May 6, 2022
They Odyssey poster The Odyssey Part 1
by Homer, Fall 2021 The Odyssey will be produced in two parts, addressing the complex yet rich nature of what […] Posted September 22, 2021
The Martian Chronicles poster The Martian Chronicles
Join us for a radio-style play of Ray Bradbury’s The Martian Chronicles. Guest Director: Bobby Bermea. The show will run […] Posted April 7, 2021
A Christmas Carol promo art A Christmas Carol – Fall 2020
Performances Adapted to live, online theatre performances. The link for each date will take you to the live Zoom performance. […] Posted August 21, 2020