Tutoring Services offers free academic support for students registered in classes during the current term.
Students have access to support in over 50 departments to clarify concepts and deepen their understanding of course material through our Student Learning Centers and Reading and Writing Centers on PCC’s four campuses. Online support is available through our participation in the Western eTutoring Consortium (eTutoring).
Get tutoring
PCC tutoring centers
Service dates: fall hours begin Wednesday, September 25
Drop-in, in-person and online appointments
- Cascade and Rock Creek
- Monday – Thursday: 10am – 6pm
- Southeast and Sylvania
- Monday – Thursday: 10am – 5pm
- Friday: 10am – 2pm
Service dates: offered year-round
Planned closures: July 4
- Hours: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
- View the schedule: eTutoring by subject
- How to: video guides
Drop-in and asynchronous support (Writing Lab and eQuestions) available!
Log in to eTutoring
How to use tutoring
- eTutoring: Students meet with tutors in a Zoom room with up to 3 other students on a first come, first serve basis. Sessions are designed to support each student with one concept or question. Students can return to the queue for support with additional questions.
Asynchronous support
- eTutoring: The Writing Lab allows you to submit a paper to the Western eTutoring Writing tutor, and the tutor will respond within 48 hours with comments. For better support, ask specific questions that you would like the tutor to answer regarding your writing ie. “Is my thesis easy to identify?” or “Does my APA formatting look correct?” Refer to this video on how to use the Writing Lab.
- eQuestions: Leave a specific question for an eTutor, who will respond within 48 hours (but usually sooner). eQuestions may be submitted for any of the subject areas covered. Refer to this video demonstration on how to use eQuestions.
Prior to the tutoring session
- Attend your scheduled class sessions. (Missed a class? Utilize your syllabus, textbook, and D2L to find what was covered in your class. Then make an appointment to meet with your instructor during office hours.)
- Carefully complete your assigned work to the best of your ability. READ the study materials and the assignment fully.
- Evaluate your strengths (what do you understand well in this assignment, topic, process, etc.).
- Identify the area where you feel stuck or would like more support.
- Write down as many questions as you can think of for which you need assistance.
During the tutoring session
- Bring your textbook, assignments, and class notes to the study session.
- Write down new notes when appropriate so that you can explain the idea to yourself later if you get stuck again.
- Write down any helpful questions or strategies that tutors offer you.
- Try part of the work on your own and explain your reasoning to the tutor while you work through it.
- Share what you know about your learning style and try new suggestions; consider using drop-in support with a new-to-you tutor for a different approach.
- Write down questions you may want to ask the instructor during the next class lecture.
After the tutoring session
- Review! Review the syllabus and textbook notes. Review your lecture notes. Review your assignments.
- Plan to study: For every hour in class, a student can expect to study two hours outside of class. Try various methods of studying or consult a College Guidance tutor to find out how to study more efficiently with your time.
- Connect with your instructor! Visit during office hours, send an email to let them know how you’re feeling about your grasp of the concepts, and ask questions both in class and out.
- Schedule yourself for academic support throughout the term. Start early and visit frequently. If you don’t have questions, consider joining a Study Group to improve your retention and mastery of the material.
Additional resources
- Tutoring FAQs and video guides
- Reading and Writing Center resources
- PCC Math course downloads
- PCC Math course review (Math 60-112)
Your experiences matter
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PCC tutoring center locations
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Commitment to student access
Tutoring Services is committed to providing access to tutoring resources for currently enrolled PCC students. If you encounter disability-related barriers to accessing our services, please email tutoring-services@pcc.edu or connect with Accessible Ed & Disability Resources.