Homepage news

About this component

The news section of the homepage highlights content from the?PCC news website. These stories provide a glimpse into the diverse activities and happenings taking place at PCC, and show our involvement in the community. The goal is to show students that they belong and to provide a way to learn more about PCC and its people. News items are listed in the “what’s happening around PCC” section, between public notices and events (if present), and in each of the pathway modals.


The Homepage Committee and James Hill determine what news stories should appear on the homepage.

Required news items:

  • One main feature story (can be any topic).
  • One student-focused feature story.
  • One faculty- or staff-focused feature story.
  • Six title-only stories.
  • One pathway-focused story for each of the pathways.

The news section includes three main feature story boxes: one larger box that has a general audience, one smaller box that features a student or students, and one smaller box that features a faculty or staff member or members. Six other stories are included as text links with icons, located below the student and staff stories.

The three featured news stories look identical to homepage callouts but the main featured story includes the excerpt between the title and call to action. The student and faculty/staff featured stories have a little tag in the upper left corner labeling them, and the images get cropped to be the same height regardless of the actual size of the image. The pathway stories resemble facts.

Responsive behavior for Homepage news

No change except that columns stack vertically on small screens.

How to use for Homepage news

News items come from WordPress automatically – James Hill marks which stories should appear. The categories are:

  • Pathways:
    • “Pathway: Art + communication”
    • “Pathway: Business + entrepreneurship”
    • “Pathway: Construction + manufacturing”
    • “Pathway: Healthcare + emergency”
    • “Pathway: Public service + education”
    • “Pathway: Science + engineering”
  • News section:
    • “Homepage Feature” – the main story
    • “Homepage faculty” – the faculty story
    • “Homepage student” – the student story
    • “Homepage News” – the list of other stories
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Stylesheet location: /_source/styles/_news-events.scss

Example of Homepage news

Featured stories and list

News section screenshot

Pathway stories

Pathway news screenshot