Sass variables

There are variables we use in our Sass stylesheets to make sure things like color and spacing are consistent throughout the stylesheet. Variables make it so you don’t have to repeat the same HEX or pixel value over and over, which cuts down on development time and leaves less room for human error. Variables are essentially the same as mixins but include single values instead of chunks of code.

Variables are designated by a $ before the variable name. Learn how to use Sass variables.

Stylesheet location: /_source/styles/base/_variables.scss

Jump to a component:

Borders, border-radius, and box-shadow

Many components on the website have rounded corners and shadows. If you use these elements in inline styles, use the corresponding values below.

  • $border-width: 0.125rem // 2px
  • $border-radius: 0.25rem // 4px
  • $box-shadow: 0.1875rem // 3px


The layout and design of the website change based on the screen size. The widths where these changes happen are below:

  • Extra small
    • $x-small-max: 20em; // 320px
  • Small
    • $small-min: 20.0625em; // 321px
    • $small-max: 39.9375em; // 639px
  • Medium
    • $medium-min: 40em; // 640px
    • $medium-max: 63.9375em; // 1023px
  • Large
    • $large-min: 64em; // 1024px
    • $large-max: 74.9375em; // 1199px
  • Extra large
    • $xlarge-min: 75em; // 1200px


For more information, see the color page. These variables are only used in Sass files. Use their HEX equivalents in any inline styles – don’t invent your own colors or HEX values.

For a full list of color variables (many use the main color variables, such as $link:$dark-teal;), see the variables partial stylesheet at /_source/styles/base/_variables.scss.

Text size

The custom Sass em() function calculates text sizes using the $text-base variable. $text-base is equal to 16px and em($text-base) is equal to 1em. See a full explanation of how to use this function and variable at the top of the typography basics page under “development info”.

em($text-base) = 1em

Transition time

Some components on the website have subtle animations. Use the variable to keep timing consistent (0.2s).

$transition-time: 0.2s;