
About this component

The PCC website homepage (pcc.edu) is different than all other pages on the website and includes many elements that are only found on the homepage.

The homepage content includes a photo collage, student support, and college-wide announcement spotlights, and information addressing the five things new students are interested in when researching colleges: programs, price, place, people, and purpose. The page also shows up-to-date college news, events, and links to social media, and multiple “apply” buttons for students to get started at PCC. An alert message appears at the top of the page in case of an unexpected closure or emergency. See homepage components for details.

All off-screen sections fade in and slide upward slightly as the user scrolls down the page and the sections enter the viewport.

The homepage is divided into eight general sections:

Section 1 – intro

Each week, three new spotlights will be posted to highlight upcoming deadlines, student support services, and announcements.

Section 2 – programs

Conveys the breadth of our program options and gets students to the main programs page.

Section 3 – price

Shows that we are an affordable, quality option: same education, less money.

Section 4 – place, services, non-traditional options

Shows the map and a list of our campuses and centers.

Section 5 – student success

Shows things that are available on campus. “You belong” starts to get more woven in here.

Section 6 – non-traditional options

Shows non-traditional opportunities that reach a wide audience (niche options will not be included).

Section 7 – news, events, get involved

Shows what is happening at PCC and provides ways for people to get involved with PCC and its people.

Section 8 – take the next step

Recaps the next steps for students.

How to use for Homepage

Edit the root-level index.html file.

Example of Homepage