Site homepages

About this component

Pages on our website can be divided into sub-sites (we just call them “sites” to make it easier), and each of these sites has a homepage. The content area includes a basic overview of the department and any other relevant information, as well as links to any sub-pages (often using a callout gallery or features gallery).

What is a site?

Sites can be seen as complete websites that serve a distinct audience.

We use a multi-site WordPress installation with the PCC website divided into distinct WordPress websites. This way, content editors only see their pages when they edit content, and it’s easy to designate a single site owner. Each site has a designated homepage.


The pages are usually more visually interesting than regular content pages (through the use of imagery, callouts, etc.) and should have clear calls to action or links to important information on the site.

Site homepages are usually full-width but can also have a sidebar, which has links to sub-pages. See content area for details about full-width or sidebar pages.

How to use for Site homepages

Learn more about creating pages and hiding the sidebar navigation.

Example of Site homepages

Numbered components
  1. global header, global navigation
  2. site title
  3. content area
  4. callout gallery (optional but common)
  5. features gallery (optional but common)
  6. footer

Also common: slideshow, photo, or video (usually 50% width and floated to the right, but can be full-width)

Numbered site homepage example