
Example (not showing up below, will fix soon)


50% width, aligned right

Just like images, you can align videos to the right using an info callout, and the text will flow around them.

If the text is longer than the video is tall, it will wrap beneath the video and stretch the full width of the screen.

About this component

Like photography, videos liven up your page and are a great way to show off your students, staff, or facility. We can embed single videos or playlists. Only captioned videos hosted on the PCC YouTube channel?are eligible.

I need a video to put on the website

PCC offers full video creation and captioning for both instructional and promotional purposes. Contact Media Support by filling out their Media Production Request form?to get started with your video project.

I already have a video to put on the website

My video is on the PCC Youtube channel and is fully captioned

Great! Email the web team a link to the video and the URL of the page where you want the video to appear. We will work with you to make sure that the video enhances the content already on the page.

My video isn’t on the PCC YouTube channel or isn’t fully captioned
  • If PCC Media Support created your video – they will caption the video and upload it to YouTube.
  • If a source outside PCC (including yourself) created your video – contact Media Support by filling out the Media Production Request form and describing your needs. Your video will need to be evaluated for copyright, quality, and accessibility. You may be responsible for creating a transcript (or paying an outside resource to do so).
  • If your video is not on the official PCC YouTube channel – our policy states that we can’t include the video on your page. This includes videos on the channels of other colleges, universities, or outside organizations.


Embedded videos look just like they do on YouTube. They can either be full-width or 50% width and aligned to the right.

How to use for Videos

Learn how to?add videos in WordPress. More information is available in our style guide on the video page.

Example of Videos

50% width, aligned right

Just like images, you can align videos to the right using an info callout, and the text will flow around them.

If the text is longer than the video is tall, it will wrap beneath the video and stretch the full width of the screen.