Expandable sections

About this component

Like tabs, expandable sections are a great way to display large amounts of information in a way that doesn’t overwhelm users. Unlike tabs, you aren’t limited to a certain number of headings, and the headings can be any length. They can be used individually or in groups of related items.


Expandable headings have a plus icon to the left of the text indicating that it’s expandable. When clicked and expanded, the corresponding content slides down into view, and the icon next to the heading turns into a minus icon.

How to use for Expandable sections

Learn how to?use expandable sections in WordPress. More information is available in our style guide on the?expandable sections page.

Example of Expandable sections

Expandable section 1

Content in expandable section 1.

Expandable section 2

Content in expandable section 2.

Expandable section 3

Content in expandable section 3.