New websites and large redesigns

Content updates

If you already have a website on and just want to make a few content updates, visit the website corrections page.

Is the right place for your content?

The public website isn’t the best place for all types of content. Check out the web platforms page to see if Spaces or the Intranet might better meet your needs.

Do you need a personal website?

Your process is a bit different – get started with WebEasy or Spot.

Does your department need a new website, or is your current website in need of restructuring? We’re here to help!

All pages on the PCC website use the same template, which complies with PCC’s web and accessibility standards. The template is flexible, quick-loading, accessible to people with disabilities, and looks great at all screen sizes. This means all you need to do is give us content.

Web project process

  1. Intake form

    Fill out this short intake form and we’ll contact you to set up a kickoff meeting.

  2. Project details and scope

    At the kickoff meeting, we’ll discuss the project details and clearly identify the final product. We’ll also designate a Web Team project contact and discuss expectations regarding roles, timelines, and the development process. It’s helpful if you provide us with an outline of your site’s content, and let us know if there are any page components you’d like to use.

  3. Scheduling

    The Web Team will review your project, determine its priority level, and establish a time frame. We involve you in this discussion, but planning may include consultation with Marketing and Communications and Information Technology.

  4. Content delivery

    Send your content to your project contact in a digital format (Google Doc, MS Word document, or PDF). Include media release forms with photos if necessary. We’ll put together your pages on our testing site using your content and send you the link.

  5. Content review and final updates

    You review the testing site for content errors and send any final updates to your project contact.

  6. Approval to launch

    We’ll make any necessary adjustments and send you a final draft for approval.

  7. Site launched!

    We can continue to make updates and changes – see website maintenance?for more information.

Frequently asked questions

We’d like to put meeting notes or tutorials on the website – can we do this?

No, internal documentation should go in Spaces or the Intranet. Check out the web platforms page for more information.

What if we want to alter the PCC template for our website?

Generally, the answer is no, but we can talk about your needs. We take all feedback into consideration as we continue to update the template.

Think about users – consistency throughout the PCC website aids our visitors in navigating. Plus, we offer and continue to develop useful new features that can only be utilized when your site is within the template. The website is also fully accessible to people with disabilities, and the changes you desire may not meet these requirements.

Will my web pages be ready when I need them?

We work with you to define realistic deadlines, and work hard to meet them. Understand that other priorities sometimes arise that may require us to re-prioritize projects. Any anticipated delays will be discussed with you.


There may also be times when your workload priorities take you away from the project. We may be forced to lower the priority of or re-schedule a project if deliverables are not received in a timely manner.

Please note: If your project is at the final review stage and we don’t receive final approval, we’ll publish the new content. This way, users benefit from the new content, and the effort put into the project doesn’t go to waste.

We bought our own domain name and are designing our own site – can you link to it from the PCC website?

No, we don’t link to PCC-affiliated programs that aren’t on the PCC website. Domains may expire or get hacked. It has happened in the past, so we have developed a strict standard against linking to outside sites. Your site will also be easier for people to find at due to our excellent search engine ranking.