Homepage buttons

About this component

Buttons on the homepage are essentially the same as other buttons on the pcc.edu website, but have a few different color options.

  • The teal buttons (for use on white backgrounds) are the same as basic buttons.
  • The green apply button is the same as enroll buttons with a little extra padding.
  • The white buttons (for use on color backgrounds) are white. Their hover state on blue backgrounds is teal, and their hover state on teal backgrounds is blue.
How to use for Homepage buttons

Editable in the HTML (see “development info”).

欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网ment info for Homepage buttons

Stylesheet location: /_source/homepage/styles/_buttons.scss

The arrow is added in the script, no need to add it manually.

Basic buttons (teal):

<a class="button" href="">Button text</a>

Apply buttons (green):

<a class="button green" href="">Button text</a>

White buttons:

On blue: <a class="button white" href="">Button text</a>
On teal: <a class="button white on-teal" href="">Button text</a>
Example of Homepage buttons

Basic buttons

See an example of basic buttons.

Apply button

See an example of enroll buttons.

White buttons

White on blue buttons:
White on blue button and hover screenshot

White on teal buttons:
White on teal button and hover screenshot