Academic and Career Pathways Design Teams

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Pathways design teams

Art, Humanities, Communication, and Design Team members
Healthcare and Emergency Professions Team members
Business and Entrepreneurship Team members
Construction, Manufacturing Technology, and Transportation Team members
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Team members
Public Service, Education, and Social Sciences Team members

Priority role teams

Pathway Co-Lead – Advisor Team members
Pathway Co-Lead – Faculty?Team members
Academic and Career Guidance?Team members
Data Use and Assessment?Team members
Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice Team members
First-Year Experience?Team members
Integrated Applied Learning?Team members
Integrated Retention Support?Team members
Labor Market?Team members
Part-Time Faculty Engagement Team members
Pathway Off-Ramps?Team members
Pathway On-Ramps?Team members
Student Engagement and Connections?Team members
Teaching and Learning?Team members

Team Description & Charge

Nearly 140 faculty, advisors, student service and workforce practitioners, and administrators participated in twenty different design teams with the charge of identifying strategies, systemic implications & recommendations to guide the implementation and continuous improvement of Academic & Career Pathways.?Each person had dual roles, serving on one of the six Pathway design teams and one of 14 teams focused on a specific priority role. Priority role teams identified priorities, systemic barriers impacting students, and implications for the next steps to ensure an aligned lens of understanding each core area before moving on to the Pathway implementation design. These teams included members from all different Pathways and disciplines, ensuring a range of voices and a collaborative process that identified process, strategies, and recommendations to guide the work moving forward.

Below is a linked table showing how these dual roles intersect and a list of the twenty teams and their participants.

View the team members and their dual roles in a spreadsheet format ?

Progress & Milestones

The design teams completed the Academic and Career Pathways implementation design process in spring term 2021.? The team identified eight aspirational outcomes and recommended strategies with action steps and a process for monitoring and evaluation for continued improvement.

Next steps

During the 2021-22 academic year, a newly identified team of Academic and Student Affairs leaders will? guide the Academic and Career Pathways work through the implementation and monitoring phases.

Pathway Pathway Deans
Arts, Humanities, Communication, and Design Daniel Wenger
Healthcare and Emergency Professions Janeen Hull
Business and Entrepreneurship Jen Piper
Construction, Manufacturing Technology, and Transportation Karen Sanders
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Alyson Lighthart
Public Service, Education, and Social Sciences Joy Jerome Turtola

This work is guided by the following priority project in support of the college’s Strategic Plan:

  • Establish Academic and Career Pathways Pathways cross-functional operating teams that apply an equity-conscious continuous improvement process to assure:
    • Program and pathway level curriculum that meets sector demands and living wage jobs;
    • Student progress monitoring and proactive support; and
    • Effective transitions to employment or further education.

Thanks to the commitment and service of the 20 Implementation Design Teams, there is a solid roadmap for the next phase of Pathways development.