Advising Redesign Implementation Team

Lead of the Advising Redesign Implementation Team

Various teams and individuals have contributed to the design and ongoing implementation of this work including a wide range of student services and advising professionals, Academic and Career Pathways Implementation and other YESS teams, and Career Exploration Services.

Team Description and Charge

The Advising Redesign Implementation Team is tasked with providing leadership and guidance for the implementation of the Advising Redesign initiative.

Progress and Milestones

During the 2020-21 academic year, the Advising Redesign Implementation Team worked with advisors to lay the foundation and begin implementing assigned advising. Advisors were surveyed to identify which Academic and Career Pathways they would specialize in and began training on the EAB Navigate platform, a new technology that will be used to support a case management approach to student advising. All degree-seeking credit students were assigned an academic advisor who will serve as their central point of contact to guide them through their journey at PCC.

In response to COVID-19, general advising quickly transitioned to a fully virtual front desk intake and advising modality to serve students remotely and with a support structure that will continue to support a One College model of student service.

The EAB Navigate tools began to go live in fall and winter terms 2020, allowing students to complete intake surveys, initiate communications and appointments with advisors, and complete checklists and course schedules.

The team recently developed a Faculty and Advising Workgroup to continue exploring the Early Alerts function on the EAB platform, a tool that will allow faculty and advisors to collaborate to monitor indicators and student progress in their pathways to help them stay on track to complete their goals.

Next Steps

During the 2021-22 academic year, a newly identified team of Academic and Student Affairs leaders will guide the Advising Redesign efforts through the implementation and monitoring phases.

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Academic and Career Pathways
  • Karen Paez, Associate Vice President/Pathways
  • Jeremy Estrella, Assoc. Vice President/Pathways
Academic and Career Pathways Guidance
  • Sonya Bedient, Dean
  • Jason Pinkal, Director of Advising and Career Svcs
  • Emmitt Wyche, Dir. of Pathway Guidance Innovation
Enrollment Strategy and Services Ryan Clark, Dean

This work is guided by the following priority projects in support of the college’s Strategic Plan:

  • Establish Academic and Career Pathways Pathways cross-functional operating teams that apply an equity-conscious continuous improvement process to assure:
    • Program and pathway level curriculum that meets sector demands and living wage jobs;
    • Student progress monitoring and proactive support; and
    • Effective transitions to employment or further education.
  • Evaluate, modify and expand targeted programming for marginalized students and communities to mitigate barriers created by systemic inequality and improve access, progress, and completion of educational goals.
  • Expand and consistently integrate a new student onboarding process inclusive of all learners (credit and non-credit) and aligned with Academic and Career Pathways entry and goal completion.