(English for Speakers of Other Languages/Adult Basic Education)

Team Description and Charge

The ESOL/ABE Work Group was focused on developing inclusive strategies to ensure the college’s English for Speakers of Other Languages and Adult Basic Skills students are represented in our Academic and Career pathways model. Students in both of these disciplines have faced historic challenges to accessing and completing academic and career pathways due to various systemic barriers. The work group is committed to examining PCC systems, policies, and practices to identify and address any barriers that may be impacting our students.

The primary focus of the ESOL/ABE Work Group was to review the following topics and make recommendations that create equitable and inclusive opportunities for our ESOL and ABE students:

  1. Course Sequencing
  2. On and Off-Ramps to educational and career pathways
  3. Placement, onboarding, and advising support
  4. Integrated Educational Training (IET) expansion

Progress and Milestones

The ESOL/ABE Work Group convened over the Fall, Winter, and Spring of 2020-21 to establish recommendations aimed at supporting and increasing specific practices and policies that will reduce opportunity gaps for PCC’s ESOL and ABE students. The work group’s recommendations to reduce barriers and increase student success rates for ESOL and ABE students were presented to the YESS Steering Committee in Spring 2021.

Next Steps

During the 2021-22 academic year, a newly identified team of Academic and Student Affairs leaders will guide the efforts to review, implement and monitor the recommendations of the ESOL/ABE Work Group.

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Academic and Career Pathways Jeremy Estrella, Assoc. Vice President/Pathways
Academic Foundations
  • TBD, Dean
  • Laura Horani, Program Dean