Follow the YESS Journey

YESS Follow the Journey Header

PCC started working in collaboration with Achieving the Dream and a cohort of community colleges throughout Oregon in 2017 to assess our systems and practices to improve student outcomes and equity gaps. Our YESS teams have been developing an intentional framework that truly supports equitable student success over the past four years. Learn more about the journey and track our progress, as we roll out new systems and processes. YESS timeline graphic

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  • 2017
    • June 2017: PCC joins Achieving the Dream and creates YESS vision.
    • Summer 2017: YESS teams established and iCAT survey administered.
    • Summer 2017 to Spring 2018: Identify needs and prioritize work.
  • 2018
    • May 2018: Priority focus areas established.
    • Fall 2018 to Spring 2019: YESS work groups form and recommend actions.
  • 2019
    • Spring 2019: PCC joins the Oregon state Guided Pathways Cohort.
    • Summer 2019 to Fall 2019: Assert guided pathways framework as central to student-centered YESS approach.
  • 2020
    • January 2020: PCC adopts six Academic and Career Pathways. Title III grant awarded to support development.
    • Spring 2020: Academic and Career Pathway implementation design teams formed.
    • Fall 2020: New YESS Steering Committee and work groups formed. PCC adopts 2020–25 College Strategic Plan.
  • 2021
    • Winter 2021: PCC begins implementation of a college reorganization. PCC asserts a student pathways operating model and new transformational leadership competencies.
    • Spring 2021: All students have assigned pathway advisor and access to support with EAB Navigate.
    • Spring 2021 to Summer 2021: Reorganization design and implementation continues with focus on equity-centered systems and practices.
    • Fall 2021: Rollout of Strategic Projects informed by and in support of YESS. Strategic investments made to support 10 priority projects.