
Clery requirements

The?Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, or Clery Act, requires that all colleges and universities participating in federal financial aid programs annually disclose crimes that have occurred on their campus, or other owned or controlled properties for three preceding years by October 1st.? The disclosure of crime statistics must include policy disclosure statements and other safety related and resource information. PCC provides the required crime statistics and policy disclosure statements and other helpful information in a document titled the Annual Security Report (ASR). PCC provides all current students and employees with an email and direct link to the report each year on or before October 1. The crime statistics reported in the report are also entered on the U.S. Department of Education survey website.

View the Annual Security Report

The Annual Security Report is available in print format at Public Safety offices.

Where can I access the U.S. Department of Education’s Clery data?

You can access Clery crime statistics for any college or university in the United States.

What must be reported in the Annual Security Report required by the Clery Act?

We?must include reports of crime that meet the following requirements:

  • the crime or incident is reported to DPS, the local police, or a PCC designated Campus Security Authority by a victim, witness, third party or even the offender
  • the incident occurred within PCC’s Clery geography
  • the officer or Campus Security Authority believes the report was made in good faith (not rumor or hearsay)

It is important to know that under the Clery Act, crimes are reflected in the crime statistics for the year they are reported, whether or not they occurred in that year. Accordingly, if a delayed report of a crime is received, it will be included in the annual crime statistical disclosures for the year the report was received, if it is a Clery crime and occurred on PCC’s Clery geography.

What are the consequences for not reporting a crime?

Failure to accurately report campus crimes can result in audits and fines levied by the U.S. Department of Education and the potential loss of participation in federal student financial aid programs. As of January 1, 2021, the fine per violation of the Clery Act is $62,689.00.