This content was published: February 24, 2015. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Volunteer Opportunities Newsletter | February 24, 2015

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On Wednesday, February 25 from 3 – 5 pm in the Sylvania Campus CC Building Mall, we will be “smashing hard drives.” Technically, our students will be disassembling your computer and using machines created by PCC engineering students to bore a large hole through your disk drive. We’ll help you safely and securely eCycle your unwanted computer equipment!

For more information on our eCycling efforts, go to If you need help carting your items from the PCC parking lot to the CC building, please contact Diane Shingledecker ( to arrange for a group of students to assist you.


Below are 2 NEW POSTINGS from these organizations: Friends of Tryon Creek and Sunshine Division.

1. Friends of Tryon Creek: Spend time outdoors and get great exercise in service to nature!

Stewardship Saturdays in Tryon Creek State Natural Area 9am to 12:00pm

Pull together to remove invasive English ivy and to protect our forest. Ivy out competes our native plants, covers tree canopy stopping photosynthesis, takes over the forest floor and ruins precious habitat. We choose to remove this ivy manually without chemicals in order to minimize damage to the ecosystem, so help from the greater community is very much appreciated. Come hang out with fellow nature enthusiasts and give back to your community!

Contact Information

Sarah Kreisman, Community Engagement Coordinator | 503-636-4398

2. Sunshine Division: Looking for Community Service? Sunshine Division needs your help!

Sunshine Division is looking for regular volunteers in our food pantry and clothing closet assisting our clients.

We need friendly, patient individuals willing to dedicate a few hours a week to serving the community. We are looking for volunteers Monday through Friday between the hours of 9:30-11:30 and 12:30-3:30. Volunteers will either be greeting our clients in the food pantry and assisting them as they shop for free for essential food items to support their needs. The task is simple but extremely important and helpful for our clients and staff. In the clothing closet, volunteers will be helping clients pick out nice clothes and find correct sizes to meet their needs.

Contact Information

Contact Melissa Gittelman, Volunteer and 欧洲杯决赛竞猜app_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网ment Coordinator | 503-823-2176

Check out our website to fill out the volunteer application at

Previous Postings are on the CBL Blog

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