
As a component of our global education, PCC has successfully developed strategies and implemented programs to focus on the development of comprehensive student services as well as the creation of International and intercultural opportunities for faculty and staff. As an outcome of that effort, faculty and staff have strengthened the connection between international education to the entire college, as well as the commitment to further diversify and internationalize the curriculum and the institution as a whole. Furthermore, for the last two years, initial steps started taking place by interested faculty, staff and administrators to identify the direction of the internationalization journey.

  • Fall 2006
    • Returning faculty and administrators from the Council on International and Educational Exchange (CIEE), along with many other interested staff members and faculty met to discuss next steps for the direction of international education at PCC. Several ideas surfaced, among them the writing of an international grant proposal (Title VI A- International Studies and Foreign Languages). A small core group interested in Internationalization was formed. Marlene Eid was named the Internationalization Coordinator.
  • Winter 2007
    • Several faculty and administrators from this core group worked on an articulation agreement for the Asian Studies Focus Award with Portland State university’s (PSU) Asian Studies, and International Studies.
  • Late Spring 2007
    • Establishment of an internationalization Committee.
  • Early Fall 2007
  • Fall 2007
    • A Fall Kickoff meeting with all faculty and staff. An invitation district wide to all interested to attend the meeting and join the internationalization initiative.
  • Late Fall 2007
    • Establishment of the Summit Planning Committee and Subcommittees to start our Journey towards Internationalization.
  • Winter 2008
    • Working towards the Summit our goals were: To identify what we have, to have a clearer idea of our international Journey, to identify the gaps and to prioritize our next steps.
  • Spring 2008
    • The Internationalization Summit was held on April 18, 2008 at the Event Center Rock Creek (RC) campus, and recommendations from the participants were gathered and summarized.
    • The Summit debriefing meeting took place on Friday May 2, 2008, where the planning committee and some more faculty and staff gathered to look at the?Summit recommendations and to prioritize some of the next steps.
  • Academic year 2008-2009
    • An Internationalization Steering Committee was formed to continue the efforts of the Internationalization Initiative at PCC, to focus on the next steps document?and to develop a comprehensive plan that covers Systems, Budget and Student services.