PCC Events
Get the Science Behind the Book
A talk on Traumatic Brain Injury by Dr. Jim Chestnutt from OHSU. This event is hosted by the STEM Center at the Southeast Campus.
Southeast Campus | Feb 2 | 10:30–11:30 a.m.| Community Hall
Stories of INvisibility
Share your story of INvisibility so it can be known. Students, staff, faculty and the larger PCC community are invited to share their personal immigration narratives so they can be recorded and shared. This is inspired by Henríquez’s #UnknownAmericans Tumblr to “tell stories that people don’t usually hear.”
- Cascade Campus | Feb 24,25 |?Cascade Hall Room 103
- Rock Creek Campus | Feb 16,17 | Building 5 (1st floor)
- Southeast Campus | Feb 23 | Mt. Tabor 148
- Sylvania Campus | Feb 9,10 |?Sylvania Library (1st floor along the west wall)
Note: These events will run from 11:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m. – drop by anytime during the event.
Public Reading
Listen to a public reading of select chapters of The Book of Unknown Americans. ?Raffle prizes will be awarded to audience members, including free copies of the book and free tickets to hear the author speak on March 8, 2016.
Rock Creek Campus | Feb 29, March 1-3, and March 7 | Noon | Bldg 5, first floor
We are able to participate in Everybody Reads due to generous donations from the Campus Presidents, the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs and the Office of Equity and Inclusion at PCC. Also, the Association of Students at Portland Community College (ASPCC) has agreed to purchase discounted tickets to the author lecture and to sell them to students for $5. ?Stay tuned for?additional information?about discounted tickets.
We look forward to engaging in this community celebration and participating in this important conversation.
All Events
Multnomah County Library has a full listing of Everybody Reads events throughout the area.