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Library zones

Welcome to PCC Library. Are you looking for a place to study, work or create? What’s your comfort zone? ?Silent – Whisper – Hum – Collaborative.

Silent Zone

Library Silent Zoneenergy: focused, intense, productive, concentrated, respectful, still
noise: none – this is a no cell phone zone
expect: furniture designed to support focused study, formal

At this time, the Silent Zone is available at Cascade, Southeast and Sylvania only.

Whisper Zone

Library Whisper Zoneenergy: focused, intense, productive, concentrated, thinking minds, respectful, calming,
noise: quiet, muted
expect: furniture designed to support focused study, formal, students nesting and settling in

Hum Zone

Library Hum Zoneenergy: chill, humming, productive, neighborly, respectful
noise: quiet hum and conversation, low noise, not silent
expect: mix of moveable and fixed furniture, formal and informal, nesting

Collaborative Zone

Library Collaborative Zoneenergy: neighborly, productive, chaotic, cooperative, informal, creative, respectful, intense
noise: some noise, talking in groups, inconsistent, conversational
expect: moveable furniture, informal, space to work and share, supportive of group-work, phone calls