
How to Find Low/No Cost Materials Classes at PCC

Did you know you can use search the Class Schedule for classes with low- or no-cost materials here at PCC?

Here’s how:

  • On PCC’s Class Schedule, under “Search the Schedule”, check the box next to “Show classes with low cost materials only”, then click “Show Me Classes”.
  • You can confirm a particular class has low- or no-cost materials by looking in the “Materials” column on the far right for either “Textbooks $0” or “Textbooks <$40”.
  • Note when considering low- or no-cost materials classes: Classes marked with?$0?or?<$40?use low cost materials, but the cost does not include art supplies, calculators, fees, and equipment. Click the “Textbooks” link in the materials column to see what is listed at “required” in the bookstore.