Renew an Item

Many PCC Items can be renewed for up to six weeks unless the items are requested by another patron. Equipment, games, magazines and newspapers cannot be renewed. Reserves can be re-checked out?only if there is another copy on the shelf; otherwise, reserves?must be returned to the Checkout?desk for a minimum of 15 minutes.

Items can be renewed by logging into your account or by calling a campus library.


  • Sign in to your account.?Select one of the following: “PCC Students, Faculty, and Staff” or “Community Cardholders and Retirees”.

  • If you selected “PCC Students, Faculty, and Staff”, enter your MyPCC username and password and select “Login”.

  • If you selected Community cardholders and retirees: Enter a barcode in the “User ID” field and pin number in the “Password” field and select “Login”.

  • To renew all items, select “Renew All”.
  • To renew a single item, select “Loans” in the upper left-hand box on the “Overview” page, or navigate to the “Loans” tab to the right of the “Overview” tab. Items that can be individually renewed are indicated by a “Renew” button with a clock icon.

  • If the renewal is successful, the item or items will have a new due date.

  • If the renewal was unsuccessful, the due date will not change.