This content was published: October 29, 1998. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

PCC Nabs Sixth Consecutive Financial Reporting Award

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Wing-Kit Chung, PCC’s director of financial services, is among the best at what he does.

The proof is in the awards piling up that recognize his and his staff’s work reporting PCC’s finances.

On Oct. 15, Chung, a resident of Beaverton, was congratulated by PCC Board of Directors members at their monthly meeting and presented a certificate from the Governmental Financial Officer Association (GFOA) for excellence in financial reporting. GFOA gives awards for financial reporting to entities in the United States and Canada. This year’s award is PCC’s sixth in a row since Chung started at PCC in July of 1991.

"We decided that we would change to improve the way we reported our finances and we did," he recalled. "We did and we’ve been receiving these awards ever since."

The string of consecutive certificates of recognition leaves Chung with a sense of pride in his staff in financial services, as well as pride in PCC.

"It is really exciting for me," he said recently. "But I’m really excited for the staff. They deserve the recognition."