This is me with, Sid! He’s a 11 year old chihuahua terrier!

Welcome to my homepage!? I’m a reading and writing instructor in the Adult Education Program. I’ve been teaching at PCC since 1998, and it’s been my pleasure and privilege to work with so many amazing students over the years.?

The Adult Education Program at PCC helps students to:

  • prepare for the? 4 GED tests: Reasoning Through Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, and Math
  • prepare for college coursework and college programs
  • prepare for advancing in the work place

To learn more about Adult Education and how to get started, check out this website: Adult Education Program

Here’s a sample syllabus with more information about ABE 0791 Advanced Integrated Reading and Writing and my teaching style.? ??

Here are a few links to learn more about the Adult Education, the GED, and other resources.

A Few Educational Resources people reading books

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1. Reading Resourcesperson reading

Owlcation: Very Short Stories?

CommonLit:? We use this reading program in class every term.? Each text has GED-like questions and short writing assignments.

Free Online Books and Short Stories: I love this website!? There are many titles with audio to listen to as you read.? If you need a suggestion, let me know.? A few of my favorite books on this site are:

2. Writing Resources person at computer

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3. Social Studies Resources: US History, Civics, and Current Events Social Studies

4. The GED and Free Practice Tests



Transition to College and Careers: What’s Next after your GED??

We can help.??person looking ahead with arrows in different directions

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1. Contact your Adult Basic Skills Navigator

As you get close to completing the ABE program and completing the 4 GED? exams, make an appointment with your Adult Basic Skills Navigator.? Your ABS Navigator can help you with your transition plan and understanding your next steps.

You will talk about the college placement process and meeting with a college advisor:?/testing/placement-tests/

Name / Title Department / Location Phone / Email
Royal, Bryant P
Spec/Student Res
AE/GED Navigator
CA TH 205

2. Explore Financial Supports hands holding a money tree

PCC GED $800 Tuition Scholarship

About the GED? Scholarship

The GED?Tuition Scholarship is for students who have received their GED? within the last year and are enrolled in credit classes at PCC for an upcoming term. The Scholarship is in the amount of $800.00 total to put toward tuition payments for credit classes.

Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for the GED?Tuition Scholarship, students must have:

● completed a college placement test and met with an Academic Advisor, as included in the college Admissions process.

● Consistent attendance of at least 50 hours in PCC GED classes, and appropriate college readiness behavior and participation

● Successful completion of all official GED exams.

● Scholarship for 2nd term can only be granted upon successful completion of courses term 1 with grades of C or better.

FAFSA: Federal Student Aid


The U.S. Department of Education’s office of Federal Student Aid provides more than $120 billion in financial aid to help pay for college or career school each year.

Getting Started:?

Oregon Promise Grant

About Oregon Promise

Oregon Promise is a state grant that helps to cover tuition costs at any Oregon community college for recent high school graduates and GED? test graduates.?Students must apply?during their senior year?or immediately after GED? test completion.?Find your deadline here.

PCC Foundation Scholarships

The PCC Foundation?awards hundreds of scholarships every year to students who may not otherwise be able to afford an education.


3. Explore PCC Programs and Services

PCC Career Services career

Where will the jobs be? What skills should you be learning? Who will be hiring and what will they be looking for? Can you make a career plan in the middle of all this? We can help you tackle these questions!

Check out their website for more information:?PCC Career Services

PCC Short Term Programs and Career Pathways

Job Ready in a Year or Lesspeople in various careers

Many of PCC’s Career/Technical programs offer students the opportunity to earn short-term certificates, ranging in length from one term to one year. These certificates can act as a credential for entry-level employment in a particular industry or as a benchmark on the way to an advanced degree. Below is a brief description of the types of certificates available in one year or less:

Career Pathways Certificates
These certificates are short-term credentials (12-44 credits) which prepare students for entry-level employment within an occupational area. Career Pathways certificates may be the first certificate a student earns while pursuing a longer certificate or an AAS degree.
One-year Certificates
These certificates can be obtained in one year or less and can prepare students for a variety of occupational endeavors, including licensure and test preparation. In addition, these certificates can be an additional step on the way to pursuing a longer certificate or degree.

Did you know?

$19.40/hour was the average wage for Career Pathway completers in the Metro area, after one year of employment.

4.? Portland State University Finish for Free

If you are an eligible Oregon resident, you can finish your degree at PSU and pay no standard tuition and fees through our Transfers Finish Free program. This exceptional program is just one of many ways we make transferring to PSU easy and affordable, so you can achieve your goals.

Transfers Finish Free?is an institutional aid program that covers standard tuition and mandatory fees for eligible Oregon transfer students who enroll full-time. Initial awards are calculated at 15 credit hours per term and the amount is finalized at the end of the second week of the term when registration closes.

Differential tuition and fees are assessed separately for certain academic programs and students are responsible for covering those additional charges.

Transfers Finish Free money does not cover room and board, books and supplies, transportation,?personal expenses or the?one-time matriculation fee.

Go to their website to learn more:?PSU Finish for Free

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