Welcome to ESOL with Ana!

Meet your teacher!

Email address:?ana.vitale@pcc.edu

Welcome to Fall Term 2021!

Click here for Level 2 classes: Join URL:?https://portlandcc.zoom.us/j/93039383034?pwd=cjd4WTdOSG9INWJwRzUvK25SMStnZz09

You will need a password. I will email it to you.?

PCC wants you to be a successful student! PCC has different kinds of help for students. Take a look!?

Resources for students:

  1. If you need help paying for this class because of unemployment due to COVID, even if you were self-employed, please, email me your first and last name and your G number. PCC can help you pay for this class. Email:?ana.vitale@pcc.edu
  2. If you need help with food, you can apply for SNAP benefits:?https://apps.state.or.us/onlineApplication/
  3. If you need help with books, tuition/fees, transportation and other tools, you may be eligible for STEP benefits. Email?cp@pcc.edu or go to:?/enroll/paying-for-college/snap/ for more information.
  4. You may be eligible for free child care: https://apps.state.or.us/onlineApplication/
  5. For many community resources, you can contact 211info. They have useful information in many languages: https://www.211info.org/
