Welcome to my homepage!
I am going to be your economic instructor of EC201 or EC202.
Why study economics?
I could tell you economics is indispensable in our every day lives and in every aspect of our lives. Big or small decision involves economic thinking. You could think like an economist! Don’t you believe it? Come to my class and find out, and you’ll know the study of economics is essential and interesting.
I look forward to seeing you in one of my classes!
Choikam Miranda Yip
Course description:
Prerequisites: WR 115, RD 115 and MTH 20 or equivalent placement test scores.?Recommended: MTH 95 or 98. Basic skill of making and using graph is required (hand-drawn or graph plotting tool).
No companion website is needed. All work and tests are completed on D2L course shell.?No textbook is required; all the materials are incorporated and organized in the learning modules on D2L platform.