Cindy Francois, MS, RDN, LD

  • cindy.francois@pcc.edu
  • Sylvania Campus
  • FN110 Personal Nutrition and FN225 Nutrition

Welcome to my homepage!? I look forward to learning together with you this term!


I’d love to tell you a little about myself so that you understand my background and qualifications for teaching Personal Nutrition at PCC!


I went to Central Washington University where I earned my B.S. in Food Science and Nutrition in 1991.? (I fell in love with nutrition after just one day in my elective introductory nutrition course, which is similar to FN110 Personal Nutrition)!? I witnessed my mom’s struggles with her weight and observed first hand the ups and downs (literally) of jumping from one diet to another!? Not wanting to have the same challenges, I? wanted to learn everything there was to know about nutrition.? In order to earn my Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist credential, I attended OHSU’s Dietetic Internship, which brought me from the state of Washington to Oregon.? After working a couple of years at OHSU as a Research Dietitian, I decided to pursue a Master’s Degree from Oregon State University, where I graduated in 1996.

Work Experience:

I have worked in the nutrition field since the late 80’s, but the two primary jobs were at OHSU and PCC.? At OHSU, I wore many hats, ranging from researching fatty acids, developing a heart healthy cookbook, counseling patients at a lipid disorders clinic, and teaching nutrition to medical students.? During this time, I learned that I really enjoyed working with students and after 14 years, made the move to PCC.

In addition, my husband Adam and I own a busy dental practice, Sherwood Dental Care, P.C.,? in our hometown of Sherwood, Oregon.? Most of my work there is behind the scenes, doing the social media, marketing, community events, and various other administrative responsibilities.

Personal Interests:

My passion is making scented candles!? I even started my own little side business since I make so many that I needed to sell some to make room for more.? I have a couple of pop-up shows a year, and also sell them at a local gift shop and winery.? My house smells pretty great most days ?

We enjoy taking our two dogs for walks and cuddling on the couch.? Vina is a German Shorthaired Pointer, and Janie is a mini longhaired dachsund.

Vina our German Shorthaired Pointer

Janie our Mini Longhaired Dachsund


Our sons are in their 20’s and we love spending time with them.? Family first is my motto!

Course Information:

All online classes are in D2L/Brightspace.? You will access it by logging into MyPCC and clicking on D2L/Brightspace from the left navigation menu.

There is no requirement to visit the campus for any reason during the term.? All of the work can be completed using your own computer.

No textbook is required for my courses.? All course content is embedded within the course, including text and videos to improve your understanding of the material.

Please feel free to email me with any questions! cindy.francois@pcc.edu