Welcome to Level 2/ESOL 20!?
Beginning Monday, January 4th – Ending Monday, March 15th
9:00 AM to 11:00 AM on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays
Click Here to Go to Class
Email:? kenya.zappa@pcc.edu
Text/Phone:? 541-946-3067
Helpful Information
Covid Testing
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Paying for Class and Fee Waivers
Here is information about?paying for class.
Here is a?video to help you pay on MyPCC.
Text Kenya at 541-946-3067.? We have interpreters to help!? (Spanish, Arabic, Vietnamese, Russian, etc)
Money/Food/Childcare Help
Begin with website.? PCC has many people to help.? Everyone wants you to be successful.? We really do.
English Classes for Friends
*? Please invite your friends, family or co-workers to take English class at PCC.? Here is information about Winter term (English?[pdf]?[pdf])? ?(Spanish)? (Farsi?[pdf]?[pdf])? (Vietnamese?[pdf]?[pdf])