Rafting the Deshutes River. I am the one with the foot out of the waterFace buried in catDodgeball

Welcome to my homepage!

I love playing dodgeball, being in the outdoors, and everything about cats. Guess which one is me in the rafting picture above.

I am passionate about mathematics, DEI, and justice. I have taught and tutored math at the university, four-year college, community college, and at MA+hnasium levels since the 1990’s in Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Colorado, and Mexico.

Prior to the beginning of every term, I watch a movie called “Stand and Deliver” which is based on the true story of Jaime Escalante. Jaime Escalante was a extraordinary mathematics teacher in a school in a Hispanic neighborhood. He was convinced that his students had potential, so he adopted an unconventional teaching method to help the gang members and no-hopers pass the rigorous Advanced Placement exam in calculus but there is drama along the way. Here is a quote from the movie: Jaime Escalante:?[to his students]… There will be no free rides, no excuses. You already have two strikes against you: your name and your complexion. Because of those two strikes, there are some people in this world who will assume that you know less than you do. *Math* is the great equalizer… When you go for a job, the person giving you that job will not want to hear your problems; ergo, neither do I. You’re going to work harder here than you’ve ever worked anywhere else. And the only thing I ask from you is *ganas.* *Desire.* Do you have ganas?

I believe that everyone can learn math and that every culture has contributed to the field of Mathematics. I wear wigs when I am teaching fractions because you have to do something to make it fun. I tend to do quite a bit of group work in the classroom because I want everyone to get a chance to practice math before they have to go home and try doing the problems alone.