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Office:? RC 2/210
Phone:?971.722.7602 (Fall through Spring term only)
Welcome to my site and thanks for your interest in one of my classes and PCC! I’m happy you are here. I have been teaching at PCC since 1997.? Before teaching at the community college level, I taught at the high school level for 7 years. I love teaching at PCC and I love teaching math. I look forward to working with you.
For Spring 2024 students registered for Mth 112Z, CRN 21418:
  • This class will meet in person every Tuesday and Thursday from 10:30 am – 1:20 pm. The class details page for this course will give you more details.
For Spring 2024 students registered for Mth 112Z, CRN 20423 and 21339:
  • Please note that this is a fully online class. The class details page for this course will give you more details.
Syllabus and Course calendars for Spring 2024 classes (Mth 112Z) are in the upper right corner of this page.
If you are curious about what will happen during the in-person classes, read or watch the following stories:
KGW story: “PCC math teachers find success ‘flipping’ classroom
KOIN story: “PCC math professors develop promising new teaching method”
KPTV story: “PCC instructors have “flipped” their math class and it’s paying off”
PCC story: “Common Denominators
?I’d love to help you with any questions you may have.? Feel free to contact me via email.
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Math Department Web-site